We believe, teach, and confess that whenever we gather for worship services, God Himself comes in our midst to serve us through His Means of Grace. The Means of Grace are those "marks" of the church through which God works to bring to us His mercy and grace. These "marks" are: 1.) the Word of God, 2.) His absolution (forgiveness) pronounced by our pastor, 3.) the preaching of God's Word, and, 4.) the administration of the Holy and Blessed Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
We gather together for what we call "Divine Service." God comes to us and serves us by giving us the forgiveness of our sins through His Means of Grace, for the strengthening of faith in Christ alone, and the promise of everlasting life.
In Order to best receive the gifts of God, we use the historic liturgy of the church and faithful hymnody. These are found in the Lutheran Service Book that we use whenever we gather together.
Therefore, whenever you come, you may expect to receive faithfully and well done services of God's Word and Sacraments, and a faithful congregation who responds to God's grace with their prayers, praises, and thanksgivings.Â
In this setting you will experience a vibrant, faithful, and gifted gathering of God's saints around His Word and Sacraments.